Bookish Ramblings

It’s been quite a while since we’ve posted anything here. Truth be told, most of our blog-ish thoughts, comments and pics can be found on our Facebook page. But in honor of the book (finally!) arriving today, I’m planning on beginning a little series of reflections on sections of the book, chapter by chapter.

So let’s start with the cover:

The poignant picture you see was taken by Paul Bestock, photographer for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, on Day 4 of Nissi’s life. We’ll tell you more about Paul and that remarkable turn of events when we cover Chapter 2. Chaya Rochel’s protective embrace expresses so much of what was going on that week. Of course, the tension in that picture is counter-balanced by the picture of us with 5-year-old Nissi on the back cover, taken by the talented Esti Smith in an off-the-cuff photo shoot at the canal across the street from her house. Nissi, as always, thought the whole thing was hysterical. His laughter really pulls out the joy we want people to feel after they’ve finished reading.

Much thought went into that cover, and this was the fifth or so iteration that Mosaica Press’ brilliant graphic design team came up with. But the idea we tried to express was the medical struggle and drama versus the hope and light that we eventually, with G-d’s help, reached. It is my true hope that those who see the book absorb that message without even opening it up.


“Places of Healing”


Living With Miracles